Principles for Anti-Racist Policymaking

Center for the Study of Social Policy
Policy Statement
December 18, 2020
This resource outlines principles to guide policymakers and advocates in developing anti-racist policy.
policy statement header

The road to undoing and redressing entrenched systemic racism is long, but a critical step forward is to ensure that all early childhood policy is anti-racist from its creation to its implementation. The principles outlined in this policy resource are designed to guide policymakers and advocates in developing and implementing anti-racist policy.

Anti-racist policymaking examines the drivers of present-day inequities and seeks to undo and redress the harm caused by racist policies that have systematically disadvantaged children and families of color throughout our nation’s history. Anti-racist policy centers children and families of color, to ensure that they benefit directly. To create policies that support children and youth of color, anti-racist policy approaches should focus on whole families.

Principles of Anti-Racist Policymaking

  • Redress past injustices.
  • Meet the needs of children and families of color.
  • Support the whole family.
  • Serve all children and families in need.
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