What We Owe Young Children: An Anti-Racist Policy Platform for Early Childhood
Early childhood development policies and practices entrenched in systemic racism contribute to the racial disparities seen in outcomes ranging from education attainment to health to long-term employment opportunities. This anti-racist early childhood policy platform offers a vision for the future, outlining 10 policy priorities that set the course for reimagining and transforming the way children and families are supported. The agenda includes concrete policy changes that could be enacted now to benefit the health and well-being of children and families, as well as long-term and more ambitious ideas to ensure children and families are valued, are included, and belong.
Anti-racist early childhood policy is designed explicitly to redress past injustices, meet the needs of children and families of color, support the whole family, and serve all children and families in need. The policy priorities outlined in this resource focus on children in their early years and their families. Together, the priorities begin to redress the systemic racism that has shaped institutions and harmed children and families of color for generations. These priorities are designed to help ensure that all children are guaranteed economic security and well-being, can grow and develop in a society that demonstrates that they matter and belong, and have the opportunities to pursue their self-determined goals.