Early Childhood Systems Collective Impact Project

Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, Health Resources and Services Administration, Mathematica, Center for the Study of Social Policy
This webpage provides information on the Early Childhood Systems Collective Impact Project, a coordinated approach to program implementation designed to advance early childhood and family well-being outcomes across federal programs.
Flower wheel with words about thriving children and families, including health, mental health, early learning and education, family support, child welfare, early childhood systems initiatives, economic well-being, and food and nutrition

The Early Childhood Systems (ECS) Collective Impact Project was created to re-envision a coordinated approach to program implementation designed to advance equitable early childhood and family well-being outcomes across federal programs that support expectant parents, children ages 0 to 8, and their families. The project developed recommendations to improve – and tools to support – alignment, coordination, and equity across five key program elements: program eligibility, needs assessments, outcomes and performance measures, well-being goals and metrics, and equity goals and actions.

The ECS Collective Impact Project webpage includes an overview describing the project background, key goals and activities, and anticipated long-term impact; a brief presenting key findings from interviews that explored needs, challenges, and opportunities related to the key program elements; a catalog and crosswalk with information on statues, regulations, guidance, and program requirements; and recommendations for achieving equitable early childhood and family well-being outcomes through the creation of a coordinated, comprehensive early childhood system.

Each ECS Collective Impact Project recommendation for alignment, coordination, and equity has a series of corresponding federal actions designed to help achieve a re-envisioned early childhood system that can build on the strengths and meet the needs of young children and families.

Overarching Themes for the ECS Collective Impact Project’s Federal Recommendations

  • Build a foundation for interagency coordination.
  • Align and coordinate key program elements.
  • Involve and empower the voices and perspectives of families and care providers.
  • Provide leadership for comprehensive, integrated data and research.

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Early Childhood Systems (ECS) Collective Impact Project

Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation (ASPE) • aspe.hhs.gov

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