The New Neighborhood: Local Early Childhood System Building
The New Neighborhood webpage is dedicated to highlighting and sharing innovative early childhood systems efforts from across the country and is a place for organizations to access the latest information on local early childhood system building. The New Neighborhood highlights many of the resources that the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) has developed over the years to support the development of local early childhood systems, including tools focused on the impact, innovation, and progress of communities making a change on behalf of young children and their families. Local early childhood systems-building leaders can use these resources to explore the components of an integrated early childhood system and support development. Resources are organized by the four Building Blocks of an Early Learning Community: (1) community leadership, commitment, and public will to make early childhood a priority; (2) quality services that work for all young children and their families; (3) neighborhoods where families can thrive; and (4) policies that support and are responsive to families.
Over time, CSSP will include new resources developed by national partners and local early childhood system builders and champions.
The New Neighborhood: Local Early Childhood Systems Building
Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP) •