Early Childhood Systems of Care: A Conceptual Model and Overview of Implementation in Select States

National Technical Assistance Center for Preschool Development Grant Birth Through Five, Administration for Children and Families, SRI Education
December 23, 2022
This brief presents a conceptual model for understanding early childhood systems of care and discusses opportunities and challenges for local, state, and federal program leaders to make the strategic investments that support a continuum of care.
Early Childhood Systems of Care: A Conceptual Model and Overview of Implementation in Select States

For the past three decades, states have been building systems of services and supports for social-emotional development and addressing early behavioral health issues that comprise early childhood systems of care. This brief presents a conceptual model for understanding early childhood systems of care and discusses opportunities and challenges for local, state, and federal program leaders to make the strategic investments that support a continuum of care. To illustrate these concepts, the authors highlight work that has been undertaken by grantees in the areas of mental health promotion, prevention, and treatment for infants, toddlers, young children, and their families.

Ring of circles with words in each circle, including pediatric primary care; early care and education; infant and early childhood mental health providers; obstetrics, gynecology and family medicine providers; social and child welfare; early intervention and early childhood; family support; school-age settings and supports; community based settings; healthcare financing; behavioral health providers serving adults

Overlapping Sectors of Early Childhood Systems of Care

The dimensions, or sectors, that early childhood systems of care align to deliver comprehensive infant and early childhood mental health services and supports include health care; mental health care; early care and education across a mixed delivery system; child welfare; early intervention and early childhood special education for children with or at-risk for disabilities and delays; and family advocacy and support.

Early Childhood Systems of Care: A Conceptual Model and Overview of Implementation in Select States

Administration for Children & Families (ACF) • childcareta.acf.hhs.gov

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