Developmental Screening Tools in Home Visiting Programs
Screening tools are brief, standardized assessments of a child’s development. They are used to identify concerns about a child’s learning or development. Home visitors may use screening results to make referrals for evaluation and services, and work with families to support their child’s development. This guide provides information for home visiting and early childhood professionals about how screening tools work in home visiting, why screening tools are helpful, and considerations professionals should keep in mind when selecting a tool. The guide also includes a list of screening tools currently reviewed on the IMPACT Measures Tool®.
Screening Tools Reviewed on the IMPACT Measures Tool®
Information about each tool includes domains covered, time to administer, age range, and more. The IMPACT Measures Tool® also uses a science-backed approach to assign a score for the cost, usability, cultural relevance, and technical merit of each measure. This can help programs identify tools that are a good fit for their community.