Communicating with Families Screening Resources

American Academy of Pediatrics
January 18, 2023
This webpage offers resources to help pediatric care providers integrate patient- and family-centered care into their practices.
Screenshot from American Academy of Pediatrics' webpage on resources for communicating with families

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends that pediatric care providers integrate patient- and family-centered care into their practices, which includes asking about and reinforcing family strengths. This webpage features several resources, including a handout that health care professionals can distribute to families with screening forms; a poster that practices can display to encourage families to complete screening forms; a video that reinforces the importance of screening; interactive simulations that enable providers to have effective, family-centered conversations; and more from the AAP and other organizations.

Screenshot from American Academy of Pediatrics' webpage on resources for communicating with families

Communicating with Families Screening Resources

American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) •

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