Building Blocks for an Early Learning Community
An early learning community employs targeted strategies to ensure that all children, families, and communities have equitable opportunities to reach the kind of results that every parent wants for their child. These results are defined in three broad categories: pregnant women and young children are healthy; children are ready to succeed in school; and children live in safe, stable, and nurturing families and communities. This infographic describes four building blocks that communities can focus their efforts on when developing an early learning community.
Becoming an early learning community is an ongoing process, where there are always opportunities to make progress. The building blocks that make up a community need to be aligned, bolstered, and assembled in a way that builds on the strengths of the community, recognizes the challenges families face, and addresses disparities across racial, ethnic, sociodemographic, and/or geographic lines in the community.
Building Blocks for an Early Learning Community
- Community leadership, commitment, and public will to make early childhood a priority
- Quality services that work for all young children and their families
- Neighborhoods where families can thrive
- Policies that support and are responsive to families