The Importance of Culturally Relevant Measurement: Experts Offer Insights to Address This Crucial Need
Institute for Child Success staff interviewed early childhood experts on the importance of culture in measurement and to seek feedback on the IMPACT Measures Tool’s® cultural relevance scoring category, one of four scoring dimensions the tool uses to assess measures. This brief summarizes key takeaways from the interviews.
The early childhood experts interviewed varied in their definitions of culture and its role in measurement, but all agreed it is a critical element to addressing inequities in the early childhood field.
Key Takeaways for Prioritizing Cultural Relevance in Early Childhood Measurement
- Define cultural relevance for the field of early childhood.
- Seek and support the development of measures for and by Black and African American; Native, Indigenous, American Indian, and Alaska Native; Asian and Asian American; and Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander individuals and communities.
- Understand the purpose and cautions of relative and universal measures.
- Provide wraparound education.
- Promote collaboration across cultural groups in research.